Oklahoma Fishing Guides

Tom Steed Fishing Report

Mike Diehl went out this weekend for a day of fishing with his daughter Samantha on Lake Tom Steed. There they caught a 6.0lb bass that his daughter helped him land.

He reports that the water temps have dropped but the sunlight is still keeping the fish deep. Fishing has been slow to fair depending on the weather so resistance is key. Striper fishing has been good off points with crank baits and rattle traps of the right color. Bass and cat fishing have been hit and miss as well but with the right time of day and lots of casting, your luck will increase. Crappie fishing has been slow due to a lack of structure in deeper water.

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the report Mike. Nice bass too! Looks like you have a future Bassmaster champ on your hands there.

2 thoughts on “Tom Steed Fishing Report”

  1. I have seen this guy on the lake and he catches fish when knowbody else is. I watched him from the back catch two huge bass right after another just fished the same exact area. Is he a pro? He should beSam


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